This year marks the 15th Birthday Motif! I have been publishing an original design on my birthday. A gift to all my wonderful tatting friends that for years we have share so much. This year I designed a little angel with the Turkish Tatting Style as the body. Turkish Tatting or Oya Makuk (Makik) is a style where the ds are made directly into the core thread that is form over the fingers similar to the loom we make when working cluny leaves. It gives a very interesting texture to the work. Turkish tatters create wonderful flowers with this style. I have dabbed a little into the style and lately I've been learning more about this style.
Here are 2 flowers I made long ago when I was learning the technique. They were use as hair barrettes.
The technique looks complicated but it's pretty simple if you know the basics of tatting and if you know how to do Split Rings. The second half of a Split Ring uses stitches that are directly tatted onto the core thread and that's exactly what we do when making this style.
I did a photo tutorial of the Angel and you can find it here: BD Angel 2017. I hope you like it and if you have questions or suggestion you can drop a line or two in the comment section. Enjoy!